Delta Region Community Health Systems Development Program Applications Opening – Alabama Rural Health Association

The next cohort for the Delta Region Community Health Systems Development (DRCHSD) Program is forming now. They are accepting applications from interested facilities now to begin programming in Winter 2023.

To learn more about the program and application process, you are invited to attend an informational webinars for hospitals and FQHCs on Tuesday, June 6th from 11am-12pm CST and for RHCs and small clinics on Thursday, June 29th from 11am-12pm CST.

The DRCHSD program is a collaboration between FORHP, DRA and the National Rural Health Resource Center and has served 54 health care organizations and communities since 2017. The program is open to Critical Access Hospitals, small rural hospitals, Rural Health Clinics, and other rural health care organizations and offers nearly $250,000 per year in technical assistance around quality improvement, financial and operational improvement, telehealth, community care coordination, workforce/leadership development, emergency medical services, and population health. In addition to TA, the program also provides financial support to facilities for the development and implementation of telehealth services, which includes funding for equipment, hardware, software, and training. 

Eligible counties in the State of Alabama are included below.

DRA designated counties in Alabama:

Barbour Escambia Perry
Bullock Greene Pickens
Butler Hale Russell
Choctaw Lowndes Sumter
Clarke Macon Washington
Conecuh Marengo Wilcox
Dallas Monroe

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