If, like me, you’ve been having a bit of a nightmare with the new so-called block editor when writing and publishing posts on your WordPress hosted blog then I have a (possibly short-lived) solution for you. Simply log into your WordPress account in your preferred internet browser, paste the below url or internet address into the browser navigation bar, substitute your blog name for the “yourblog” text and presto, you’re back to the Classic editor rather than the infamous Gutenberg update.
I’ve bookmarked the new address in my Firefox browser so you should probably do the same. Given the amount of ill-feeling about the new default editor imposed on its users by WordPress, and the general consensus among blogging and technology experts that the block editor actively impedes long-form writing, I’m surprised that the option to retain the old coding has not been kept. But then again, Automattic, the company behind the blogging platform, is offering a Classic Editor plugin for those willing to pay for a Business plan on the site. So maybe not so surprising after all. Just very disappointing.