Apologies to all for my prolonged absence. I’m absolutely maxed out in my day job, plus I now find myself in the middle of studying for a diploma in business management while simultaneously starting a new master’s level course in computer system validation (CSV). Since I lobbied the company to sponsor this education I have no one to blame but myself for the unfortunately timed cross-over in subjects. Of course I could never have afforded to pay for this education myself – and the CSV course is just ridonkulous money – so I’m committing all my spare time to making a go of it. Though at least some of the studies align with my existing skills while appealing to my not-so-inner nerd.
Talking of which! A big thank you to a regular reader for pointing me in the direction of the Rebel Matters Podcast, a bilingual discussion on all things political and cultural with Ainle Ó Cairealláin and guests, and produced by Vicky Langan. I cant believe this one passed me by and that it is already on episode 96. However the recording below, number 88, was published back in January and features among other things a chat on the briefly popular sub-genre of Fighting Fantasy books in the 1980s and ’90s. Give it listen, check out the podcast library, and subscribe to the show if you like what you hear. There is a Patreon page too if you fancy sponsoring some much needed independent media instead of the usual suspects associated with Donnybrook, Tara Street, Talbot Street and Herbert Park Lane.
PS! If you want to keep track of yours truly I’m slightly more active on Twitter and Instagram at the moment. The former is mostly tongue-in-cheek political or cultural sniping, the latter is mostly do-nothing idling.
PPS! Is it just me or is the new WordPress post editor an absolute nightmare to use?!
PPPS! I must post something soon about the forthcoming Holyrood election in Scotland. Potentially big news if Alex Salmond succeeds in getting a super-majority across the line. Albeit largely for the benefit of the Greens for now instead of the SNP or his own upstart Alba party.
PPPPS! Yes, this is a pastiche of Gandalf’s letter to Frodo.