Krystal Kyle And Friends With Historian And Author Thomas Frank – AN SIONNACH FIONN

Krystal Ball of the YouTube show Rising and Kyle Kulinski of the popular channel Secular Talk, have launched a new podcast, Krystal Kyle & Friends, that is well worth a subscription. The third episode is available on YouTube and features an in-depth discussion with Thomas Frank, the encyclopedic left-wing historian and journalist. The conversation covers…

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History, And The Peace Process, Has Proven Roy Greenslade Right About The Troubles – AN SIONNACH FIONN

The current furore in the London press over an article by the veteran British journalist and newspaper editor Roy Greenslade in the British Journalism Review describing his sympathies with the Irish republican cause as a consequence of reporting on Britain’s “dirty war” in Ireland during the so-called Troubles of 1966-2005, particularly the Bloody Sunday massacre…

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The SNP’s Civil War Between Alex Salmond And Nicola Sturgeon – AN SIONNACH FIONN

Most independence movements have the good sense to achieve independence before starting the civil war. Not so the Scottish National Party which is currently embroiled in a very public and very personal internecine bloodletting between the current leader and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her larger-than-life predecessor Alex Salmond. With a string of polls showing…

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Leo Varadkar Equates Being A Protestant With Being British In Ireland – AN SIONNACH FIONN

Given the patently racist accusations made against him by right-wing British journalists and publications over the years, with allegations of an exaggerated sense of Irishness due to his ethnically mixed parentage, one would imagine that Leo Varadkar might be acutely sensitive to the false stereotyping of any minority person or community in this country. Unfortunately…

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Report Finds That SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon “Misled” Scottish Parliamentary Committee – AN SIONNACH FIONN

What a bizarre situation we’ve reached in the politics of Scotland when we have elements of the Greater England press in London making common cause with their previous bête noire, Alex Salmond, in their campaign to attack, discredit and ultimately bring down the current leader of the Scottish National Party, Nicola Sturgeon. And quite possibility…

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