West Point Hits 52-Week High on News

West Point Gold Corp. (V.WPG) hit a new 52-week high of 50 cents Wednesday. West Point announce drill results from its ongoing drill program at the Tyro Main Zone, Gold Chain Project, Arizona. Hole GC25-38 intersected 73.15m of 1.07 g/t Au (including 16.76m of 2.67 g/t Au and 1.52m of 10.8 g/t Au at 29m depth). Hole GC25-39 intersected 74.48m of 0.94 g/t Au (including 7.62m of 2.12 g/t Au and 9.14m of 2.09 g/t Au).

ADYA Inc. (V.ADYA) hit a new 52-week high of 29.5 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

Almonty Industries Inc. (T.AII) hit a new 52-week high of $2.35 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Akita Drilling Ltd. (T.AKT.A) hit a new 52-week high of $1.84 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Angkor Resources Corp. (V.ANK) hit a new 52-week high of 28 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

ATEX Resources Inc. (V.ATX) hit a new 52-week high of $2.55 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Black Mammoth Metals Corporation (V.BMM) hit a new 52-week high of $1.84 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Beyond Oil Ltd (C.BOIL) hit a new 52-week high of $4.46 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Claren Energy Corp. (V.CEN.H) hit a new 52-week high of $2.04 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Collective Mining Ltd. (T.CNL) hit a new 52-week high of $13.00 Wednesday. No news stories today.

CyberCatch Holdings Inc. (V.CYBE) hit a new 52-week high of $13.00 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Dream Residential Real Estate Investment Trust (T.DRR.U) hit a new 52-week high of $9.40 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Elemental Altus Royalties Corp. (V.ELE) hit a new 52-week high of $1.35 Wednesday. No news stories today.

ESGold Corp. (C.ESAU) hit a new 52-week high of 33 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (T.FM) hit a new 52-week high of $22.77. No news stories today.

GFL Environmental Inc. (T.GFL) hit a new 52-week high of $69.25 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Gemina Laboratories Ltd. (C.GLAB) hit a new 52-week high of $1.25 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. (T.GMX) hit a new 52-week high of $1.59 Wednesday. No news stories today.

G2 Goldfields Inc. (T.GTWO) hit a new 52-week high of $3.43 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Hydro One Limited (T.H) hit a new 52-week high of $48.75 Wednesday. No news stories today.

International Petroleum Corporation (T.IPCO) hit a new 52-week high of $21.41 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Kingfisher Metals Corp. (V.KFR) hit a new 52-week high of 31.5 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

K92 Mining Inc. (T.KNT) hit a new 52-week high of $11.76 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Montage Gold Corp. (V.MAU) hit a new 52-week high of $2.78 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Precious Metals and Mining Trust (T.MMP.UN) hit a new 52-week high of $2.09 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Monument Mining Limited (V.MMY) hit a new 52-week high of 42 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

Mandalay Resources Corporation (T.MND) hit a new 52-week high of $5.43 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Meridian Mining UK Societas (T.MNO) hit a new 52-week high of 65 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

Royal Canadian Mint (T.MNT) hit a new 52-week high of $46.50 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Mineros S.A. (T.MSA) hit a new 52-week high of $46.50 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Newcore Gold Ltd. (V.NCAU) hit a new 52-week high of 58 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

O3 Mining Inc. (V.OIII) hit a new 52-week high of $1.67 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Sprott Physical Gold Trust (T.PHYS) hit a new 52-week high of $33.66 Wednesday. No news stories today.

SSR Mining Inc. (T.SSRM) hit a new 52-week high of $15.90 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd. (V.SXGC) hit a new 52-week high of $3.82 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Tocvan Ventures (C.TOC) hit a new 52-week high of $3.82 Wednesday. No news stories today.

Viscount Mining Corp. (V.VML) hit a new 52-week high of 50 cents Wednesday. No news stories today.

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